Town Offices have Moved!
Breezy Hill Corners, 48 Gardner Road
Did you notice the extra parking available at 7 Main Street lately? It is because the Hubbardston Town Offices moved to Breezy Hill Corners (48 Gardener Road) last month! Only 3 minutes away from the library. Don't worry, the Library, the Senior Center and the Police Department are still at 7 Main Street.
The Library Trustee Scholarship
It's scholarship season again! The Trustees are offering up to two (2) $500 scholarships for 2025! Applicants may submit an electronic scholarship form by clicking here for the online scholarship application or you can print a paper copy by clicking here, or you can pick up a paper copy from local secondary school Guidance Counselors, the Hubbardston Public Library front desk, or the HubbardstonTown Clerk at 48 Gardner Road. Submissions must be received or postmarked no later than April 30, 2025. If you have any questions, please email us at
Come to the the Library! Friday March 28, 2025 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
We Have Dragons!
Calling all teen adventurers! Come join us in the library for Dungeons and Dragons....and there will be dragons. Middle school to High School players will embark on adventures with characters straight out of your imagination battling monsters, quizzing wandering traders and making unlikely friendships along the way. If you are interested, please fill out the form and more information to come!
A Special Saturday Storytime!
(it doesn't happen all the time, so come in and enjoy)
Miss Tricia is coming in for a special Saturday Storytime! Join Miss Tricia on March 22, 2025. The start time is 10:00 a.m. and as usual, no registration is necessary and any age child is welcome. Questions? Send Miis Tricia an email by clicking here
How's it going at your Library?
From July 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025 our patrons borrowed 9,628 items and saved $147,962 by borrowing instead of buying!
Top Five most Circulated items are The Bad Guys, Wing of Fire Graphic Novels, Guiness Book of World Records, The Women, Karen’s Sleepover, Lessons in Chemistry and Kirby Manga Mania (last three tied for fifth place)
The Top Five Authors checked out by patrons are Dav Pilkey, Aaron Blabey, Mo Willems, Jeff Kinney and Katy Farina
Senior Book Club
Fourth Wednesday of the Month, March 26, 2025 11:00 a.m. at the Hubbardston Senior Center
Come join us and talk about books for an hour at the Senior Center. We will discuss "The Splendid and the Vile" by Erik Larson.
Recent Stamp Dedication in the Children's Room
On July 24, 2024 The Hubbardston Public LIbrary and the United States Postal Service had a stamp dedication ceremony at the beginning of Storytime! Hubbardston Postmaster Trisha Dursa dedicated the stamp of Shel Silverstein's "The Giving Tree" to the Hubbardston Children's Reading Room. This is a poignant gift, since the Hubbardston Post Office used to be in the Children's Room until the 1960's. Library Director Chris Barbera accepted the stamp and had it placed so everyone can see it as they enter the room. Afterwards, Miss Tricia read "the Giving Tree" at Storytime! We would like to thank Postmaster Dursa for the dedication.
Museum Highlight
Check out the Eric Carle Museum in Amherst, MA
This month's museum highlight takes us to Amherst. The mission of The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art, a non-profit organization in Amherst, Massachusetts, is to inspire a love of art and reading through picture books. The only full-scale museum of its kind in the United States, The Carle collects, preserves, presents, and celebrates picture books and picture book illustrations from around the world. In addition to underscoring the cultural, historical, and artistic significance of picture books and their art form, The Carle offers educational programs that provide a foundation for arts integration and literacy.
The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art is located at 125 West Bay Road, Amherst, MA 01002
Phone: 413-559-6300
Pass admits 2 adults and up to 4 children for free one day admission.
Can't find what you are looking for in the Library
Use the link below and tell us what it is
Is there an item that you think should be on the shelves at the library? We have a form for that. We will add your request to our purchase list. Please provide at much information as possible, such as the Title of the item, the author, performer or director, the year it was published and the ISBN or ISSN if available.
Storytime with Miss Tricia!
Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.
Come join Miss Tricia for Nonesuch Storytime! with a book and craft on Wednesdays! Children of all ages are welcome and no registration is necessary. Questions? Send Miss Tricia an email by clicking here
Not Just Knitting
March 18, 2025 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Bring your needles, hooks, cross stitch, felting, yarn or what have you and spend a couple hours with other crafters. No registration is necessary, Just come and have fun!