Town of Hubbardston Web Page

Town of Hubbardston website is  This link gives you access to the various departments and boards that help keep Hubbardston running.

Quabbin Regional School Distrcit

The Quabbin Regional School District website is This site gives you access to all the public schools in the Quabbin Regional School District.

Montachusett Regional Vocational Techincal School

The Montachusett Vocational Techinal School website is  This is the regional technical school for Hubbardston and surrounding towns.

Hubbardston Community Access Channels on You Tube

WHPA 191 (Public) & WHGA 192 (Government)

The Hubbardston Public access channels on YouTube post videos of various board meetings and events that happen in Hubbardston.  To check them out, please please click this link to go to the Town of Hubbardston YouTube Channel.